Legal notices is a Ouragan Films property. You can write us at the following address :
La Marie Louise
Route de Cazan
13330 Pelissanne
Telephone number : 04 95 06 80 68.
It is registered in the Salon-de-Provence Trade and Companies Register under the number : B 537 613 945.
Its SIRET number is : 53761394500014.
The publication manager is Cyril Barbançon.
Web hosting
The website is hosted by OVH society. Here you have the OVH legal noticies :
Adress : 2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
OVH is a simplified joint-stock company, whose capital is 10 059 500 €.
Ovh is registered in the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under the number: 424 761 419 00045.
Copyright protection and intellectual property
Any reproduction or representation, complete or partial, made without the author's consent, would be illegal and would constitute an infringement.